Collège Isabelle Autissier

Collège – Nort Sur Erdre

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project_nim_reut_autorisee.jpg This year all the 3ème classes have participated in the 2017 Polyglotte festival and watched the documentary « Project Nim » in English with subtitles in French. Here is a synopsis and reactions of the 3A & 3B students for more go to Polyglotte website

The 3eme students and English teachers from the Paul Doumer collège would like to thank the Paul Doumer collège and the Paul Doumer FSE for their participation in the 2017 Polyglotte Festival.

Here are a few 3A and 3B students’ reactions about the documentary. For more, go to the Polyglotte website

1. A student’s synopsis:

The film tells us the story of a chimpanzee who had been chosen for a scientific experiment. This experiment was led by Professor Terrace from Columbia University during the seventies. Pr. Terrace wanted to know if a chimpanzee could communicate with humans with sign language …

2. Some students’ answers to the question: Do you agree with Pr. Terrace when he considers that there was no communication between Nim and the humans?

For me there was a communication between Nim and the humans because they could use the sign language.

It is not really sure that Nim understood.

It was a primitive communication, like a baby conversation.

3. Some students’ answers to the question: In your opinion what should humans do or not do to animals?

In my opinion the humans should not take a baby chimpanzee away from its mother for an experiment.

The humans should live the animals in their natural environments.

The humans should protect and respect animals. They should be nice with animals.

We should not believe that we can educate animals like humans.

Thank you and till next year for the 2018 Polyglotte Festival!


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